G Scott Brown Leadership

5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 2


As I shared yesterday, For the next 5 days I want to share certain secrets that most successful people have in common.

If you missed yesterday’s topic, you can find it by going to my blog at www.livinglifeblessed.com/Blog 5 secrets Most Successful People Share.

Also, you can find more information on on Developing a Plan of Action from my FREE E Book Time Matters. 

But today I want to talk about: The Power of Passion 

You've probably heard the expression," if you can believe it, you can achieve it."

That expression to me communicates that a good idea alone is not enough. You have to believe in it.

I’m sure you have known people who are very intelligent but have never risen very high in life.

And I’m sure you have known other people who haven't had much going for them but have succeeded, in spite of obstacles.

It’s very likely due to their determination to achieve their goals in spite of anything that comes against them.

You see, a lot of people who are successful in life, have acquired a, “I will until” attitude.

It’s an attitude of success. But more than that, It’s a passion.

A passion for what they believe in. A passion that drives them to continue on, even when they don’t feel like continuing on.

Many times, we may believe in something, but we don’t have the passion to achieve it or see it through.

That is something that most successful people have. A passion that drives them, even when negative people try to deter them.

WE can attribute that not only in business or in our dreams, but also spiritually.

That’s why I love the verse in

Philippians 4:13

13 I can do all this through Christ who gives me strength.

Passion will drive you when all else fails you!

I Look forward to sharing with you tomorrow, as we continue to look at certain things most successful people have in common.

And don’t forget you can find more information on on Developing a Plan of Action from my FREE E Book Time Matters.

 I wish you the best!

Living Life Blessed!

[email protected]





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