G Scott Brown Leadership

5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 5


Congratulations, for those of you who have followed me for the past few days.

If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful people have.

If you missed yesterday’s topic, you can find it by going to my blog at www.livinglifeblessed.com/Blog 5 secrets Most Successful People Share, as well as many other resources and blogs.

Also, you can find more information on on Developing a Plan of Action from my FREE E Book Time Matters.

But today, our final day, I want to talk about:

The Power of Creativity

 This quality, creativity, is underrated. No doubt. Creativity does not just apply to writing a novel or painting a portrait; it applies to the life you create for yourself and the business you create for yourself in all their aspects. And so much of your success will depend on how creative your solutions are.

Have you noticed Almost every great success story in business begins with one good idea?

If you can't think for yourself and imagine possibilities, you must depend only on what others before you, have done. And in many cases, you may be missing out on what is best for you. So be creative. Imagine better possibilities and Plan you Action.

World Known motivational speaker Tony Robbins asked this, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?”

When you propose that Question to yourself, what do you think about?

Now, imagine better possibilities and create a plan of action to accomplish you passion, your dreams, your goals and your desires.

I’m convinced, that people settle for less than God’s best.

We many times, allow self doubt to come in and squash our dreams and our creative juices to accomplish more than we could ever imagine.

Everyday, set aside a few minutes to be creative. Maybe start a journal or writing down your thoughts. This will help you get those creative juices flowing and maybe even get you closer to pursuing your passion and dreams.

According to the Apostle Paul in

Ephesians 3:20 
God is able to do far more than that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

You See, your plan of action will combine all these “success” qualities or traits we have talked about these last 5 days, to create a completely rewarding plan for yourself.

I hope this has helped you in Developing a plan of action that gets you closer to your goals and dreams.

Don’t Forget, you can find more information on on Developing a Plan of Action from my FREE E Book Time Matters. 

Please continue to follow my blog and my website and if you haven’t downloaded my free E-Book, please do so.

Thanks Again and God Bless.


I wish you the best!

Living Life Blessed!

[email protected]





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