G Scott Brown Leadership




But sometimes we get so busy being diligent in our day-to-day activities that we seldom find the time to introspect and ask ourselves, if we are growing and moving forward Physically, Emotionally & Spiritually?

If WE’RE not moving forward then we are becoming stagnant and in many cases going backwards…even dying in ourselves, little by little… and this can cause major breakdowns in your personal growth, relationships, health, and our careers & businesses.

I would like to share 5 Ideas and steps you can take immediately to grow rapidly. 

In my life I have discovered and applied these 5 BIG Ideas that have served me well.

You will find these steps common sense, but yet not common practice.

In fact they are so simple you will be amazed:

Are you Ready for the first step? Good 

The First Step is: Subtract the negatives 

Eliminate everything that is negative in your life. It could be negative emotions, negative thought processes, negative thinking (Why is my life like this?). Maybe you're comparing yourself with someone and saying negative things about your own self to yourself. 

Maybe you are feeling low and feeling negative emotions like, guilt, anger, frustration, hate, jealousy… eliminate all of them. 

Negative habits –aren’t serving us. They are stopping us, FROM growing in our life. 

Negative friends, negative environment, negative information and knowledge that we are continuously bombarding our mind with. 

Reading depressing news, going to places in social media, websites, where the information is not good or is always negative, is not serving you in your life or your family, relationships, finances, career or business. 

When we say eliminate the negatives, I understand some of you will say, ‘I can't just eliminate all the negative things and people from my life – what about my negative uncle or other family member, or my negative friends…’ 

I understand…there will always be people who are negative, talking negative and you don't feel good around them and many times about them, but try to reduce the communication. 

Maintain a friendly distance and automatically they will move further away from your life, taking negativity with them. 

STEP 2: Add the positives 

Once you clear out the negative, add something positives. Find a good friend who is positive and will boost you and empower you. 

Identify a good book, a positive book in your life. Learn a new skill; develop a good habit, even good eating habits.

 ADD some positive food in your life and to your body.  It will give you energy and vitality; it will help your physiology, and will help you grow and have more energy in your life.

Also do something that you are passionate about. ADD something you like into your life, into your environment, into your daily routine, and make it a good habit. 

STEP 3 is: Find your passion

What are you passionate about? What is it that you like to do? 

Spend more time on that, which is positive and is helping you grow. It’ll stop you from being stagnant.

 What is your passion? Cooking? Food? Exercising? Is it going out? is it doing some adventurous sports? or going to new places? maybe its meeting new people? new cultures, traveling around the world?

Maybe you are a tech wizard? Whatever it is, do something which gives you positivity in your life.

 STEP 4: Take a risk or two

So we see people going like, ‘Yes, this is my passion but I'm too afraid to take a risk. I am surrounded by so much negativity in my life.

I am surrounded by so many negative people so I can't take risk!’

 People keep saying ‘what if you fail, what if you fall, you can't do this you can't do that, it is not possible, this is impossible…’

 Surround yourself with good and positive people, find your passion and take a risk.

Go ahead do something which you have never done before. You know those crazy things that make you go ‘Oh my, Should I really do it?’

Yes! Go ahead. Take that risk; of course don't do anything that will possibly cause you harm or someone else…

But Take a risk and once you jump into it and do something new, it’ll help you grow. I promise you once you start growing, you will never go back.

 STEP 5: Enjoy the journey

The final step is to enjoy the journey. Find your passion, get good positive people in your life, take risks and enjoy the journey.

Life is all about taking risks and going after what you are passionate about. Either in your career, business, relationships – But go ahead and take a risk.

Enjoy the journey and as you enjoy the journey, you will automatically see yourself growing.

People who take risk, who have found their passion and are on the path of personal transformation always growing. 

 I wish you the best!

Living Life Blessed!

[email protected]






The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by Stephen R Covey



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