G Scott Brown Leadership

Staying Focused and Motivated

goals motivation Feb 15, 2019

Staying Focused and Motivated

Written by Scott Brown

It is so easy to tell yourself that you are going to accomplish something new, but what happens when this task takes longer than you had allowed for? Your motivation starts to disappear and quite often you give up on the idea altogether.

To stay motivated and focused, you can do a number of things, including:

  • Set smaller goals while reaching toward the larger goal. By creating smaller goals you won’t feel as overwhelmed when your results start to slow down and not go as you had planned. It’s OK. Stay focused on the Big Picture.
  • Keep a calendar of what it is you are trying to accomplish and the accomplishments that you have made along the way toward your goal.
  • Share your goals with someone else. Maybe your spouse, a friend or co-worker. Let them be an accountability partner for you.
  • Join a group of people with the same goals. Mastermind groups, coaching and mentoring groups are great way to accomplish your goals no matter how big or small you think they are.

By changing your mindset to be more positive you can stay focused on your goals.

 If you are needing help in staying motivated or focused, please feel free to contact me for ideas and strategies to help you reach your full potential.


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