G Scott Brown Leadership

8 Tips That Work for Stopping Negative Thinking Patterns


You’re tired, and it’s been a long day. It feels like there’s more in your life going wrong than going right. You come home and slump on the couch and wonder just how it...

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Develop the Growth Mindset Habit


When deciding what new habits to pursue, it’s easy to look at all the things we shouldn’t do as a place to begin. We want to stop stress eating, you want to exercise more and be...

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Invest Time in the Self-Care Habit

Being productive is a wonderful thing, but too often we get so caught up in doing that we forget that the person doing the thing is every bit as important as whatever we’re trying to...

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Make Decluttering a Fun, Easy Life Habit

Do you own stuff – or does your stuff own you? 

If your room feels cluttered, it might be time to take a good hard look – not at your stuff – but your habits. You can’t...

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