G Scott Brown Leadership

Better Listening Through Questions


Have you ever noticed that most people don’t like to ask questions?

It’s understandable when those questions are personal. You don’t want to offend anyone. But, most...

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8 Tips That Work for Stopping Negative Thinking Patterns


You’re tired, and it’s been a long day. It feels like there’s more in your life going wrong than going right. You come home and slump on the couch and wonder just how it...

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Understanding Conflict Management


Dealing with Conflict and managing conflict is having the ability to recognize and deal with disputes in a rational and balanced way. Having Balanced Conflict. This applies to conflicts that crop...

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How to Say “No” In Challenging Situations

How to Say “No” In Challenging Situations

 Some people have no problem saying ‘no.’ But, while it might be easy to turn down that blind date with your best...

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Benefits of Getting Organized

Benefits of Getting Organized

Getting organized is not just a good idea because your mom said so. There are lots of benefits to being in control and developing a clutter-free lifestyle.

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