G Scott Brown Leadership

Develop the Growth Mindset Habit


When deciding what new habits to pursue, it’s easy to look at all the things we shouldn’t do as a place to begin. We want to stop stress eating, you want to exercise more and be...

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Invest Time in the Self-Care Habit

Being productive is a wonderful thing, but too often we get so caught up in doing that we forget that the person doing the thing is every bit as important as whatever we’re trying to...

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Make Decluttering a Fun, Easy Life Habit

Do you own stuff – or does your stuff own you? 

If your room feels cluttered, it might be time to take a good hard look – not at your stuff – but your habits. You can’t...

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How to Set Up Any Micro Habit for Success

How to Set Up Any Micro Habit for Success

 Micro habits are so small that they feel like they should sort of succeed automatically. That’s what makes them so frustrating when, for...

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The Top Ten Success Skills Anyone Should Have


The Top Ten Success Skills Anyone Should Have

When it comes to success, there are a few basics skills you should not only have, but work on improving and mastering over time. They will greatly...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 5


Congratulations, for those of you who have followed me for the past few days.

If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 4



This is Day 4 and If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that For the last few days I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful people have.

If you missed...

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50% Complete

Two Step

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