G Scott Brown Leadership

Keeping Your Team Motivated to Achieve That Big Goal


When the daily grind of a long term project at work is bogging down your team and zapping their efficiency, nobody's happy... not them, not your boss and least of all, you.  So how can you...

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How to Set Up Any Micro Habit for Success

How to Set Up Any Micro Habit for Success

 Micro habits are so small that they feel like they should sort of succeed automatically. That’s what makes them so frustrating when, for...

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Tips for Making Your New Micro-Habits Stick


Tips for Making Your New Micro-Habits Stick

You’ve decided to make some changes in your life. You’ve even come up with some new habits – small ones – to make the whole...

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The Top Ten Success Skills Anyone Should Have


The Top Ten Success Skills Anyone Should Have

When it comes to success, there are a few basics skills you should not only have, but work on improving and mastering over time. They will greatly...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 5


Congratulations, for those of you who have followed me for the past few days.

If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 4



This is Day 4 and If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that For the last few days I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful people have.

If you missed...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 3


If you’ve been following these blogs, you know that For the last few days I have been sharing certain secrets that most successful people have in common. If you missed yesterday’s...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 2


As I shared yesterday, For the next 5 days I want to share certain secrets that most successful people have in common.

If you missed yesterday’s topic, you can find it by going to my blog at...

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5 Secrets Most Successful People Share Part 1


5 Secrets Most Successful People Share 

Have you ever spent any time studying very successful people? Do they seem to you to have something in common? There seems to be something about them,...

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But sometimes we get so busy being diligent in our day-to-day activities that we seldom find the time to introspect and ask ourselves, if we are...

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